Reflexology is a type of therapy that can be applied to the hands and feet. In each part it has a different effect. This massage can greatly improve your physical and mental health. So I decided to talk about foot reflexology here.

In this article I will address each of the particularities of foot reflexology. Here, I tried to answer all the doubts about this technique, doubts that I also had. Showing each one of the benefits of massage and also the prevention. Let’s dive into the universe of reflexology and understand this massage a little better.

Let’s understand what reflexology is

For those who do not know, reflexology is a type of therapy made by a professional physiotherapist or acupuncturist. To execute the technique he uses the stimulus of points of the body, called nervous plexus, as the feet, the hands, the nose, the skull and the ears. With this, it is possible to combat physical and mental problems.

Now understand what foot reflexology or foot reflexology is.

Better known as foot reflexology, this type of reflexology consists of applying pressure to points on the feet. Each point produces a different stimulus that aims to balance the energy of the body and avoid the emergence of diseases and health problems. This is brilliant!

It is believed that each point of the feet corresponds to the vital organs and regions of the whole body. That is, the feet are a miniature map of our body. With this, the technique is based on the free circulation of Vital Energy. Thus, sensitivity or pain at some point is a warning sign, representing an imbalance of energy.

In the application of the technique, usually, the specialist presses with the thumb several regions of the foot. With this, he looks for imbalances of energy that can manifest themselves by sensitivity at the point or feeling of sand under the skin. And it doesn’t stop there! After finding the points of imbalance, the specialist makes a small massage that stimulates the natural healing processes of the affected site.

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Understand the Foot Map

In reflexology, it is believed that each zone of the foot corresponds to a place. Thus, when you feel pain in that area, it means that you are likely to have a problem in that part of your body. And, with the map of the feet, it is possible to observe which zones correspond to the regions of the human body. With this, you can identify the point of imbalance and treat it.

Now let’s ask the questions. Here I tried to answer the main questions. Read it!

What are the objectives of foot reflexology?

Foot reflexology has the preventive objective. Identifying a bad function before its symptomatic appearance and keeping the body healthy. Besides relaxing body and mind.

Foot reflexology: benefits
The benefits of Podal reflexology are numerous. Among them are:

  • Stimulate the immune system;
  • Release existing toxins;
  • Relieve pain;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Promote general relaxation of the body.

o feel the benefits it is important that this therapy is done by a physiotherapist or a qualified masseur.

What are the pros and cons of foot reflexology?

Now that you know reflexology and what its benefits are, let’s know the pros and cons? Then follow!

Foot reflexology: indications

Foot reflexology is indicated in the treatment of people who suffer from tension and nervousness. In addition to acting on blood circulation problems, hormonal problems, various types of pain and imbalance of the system.

Did you know that foot reflexology acts on headaches? In addition, it is indicated in the treatment of anxiety. It helps to calm the individual during a panic crisis. Do you want to fight stress? It can also help! It is the biggest cause of heart disease, migraine, muscle pain, nervousness and depression, isn’t it? Then reflexology treats stress by ridding the body of these symptoms without the need for chemical remedies.

Reflexology is also indicated for the treatment of diseases such as:

  • Constipation;
  • Alteration in blood pressure;
  • Constipation;
  • Spinal pain;
  • Labyrinthitis;
  • Swelling in the legs;
  • Kidney stones;
  • Asthma;
  • Hypertension;
  • Cholesterol;
  • Thyroid;
  • Inflammation;
  • Calcium balance.

Foot reflexology: contraindications
Reflexology is contraindicated for:

  • People with diabetes who have foot injuries;
  • Pregnant women;
  • People who use the pacemaker;
  • People in processes of skin allergy or dermatitis;
  • People who have exposed varices, thrombosis or fractures.

So that you can better understand, the treatment becomes unfeasible for diabetics due to the blood clots that are easily created in the veins of the patient’s body. In reflexology they must be displaced, and for people in these conditions, this cannot be done.

How many foot reflexology sessions do I need to do?

To do foot reflexology you need a course. So, always look for a qualified professional. The interval between each treatment session should be seven days. At least ten sessions are recommended.

Time of each session

Sessions last from 30 to 60 minutes.

Tips for Mothers: Foot Reflexology in Babies

Mom, did you know that reflexology on baby’s feet helps relax and relieve cramps? that’s right! Plus, it accelerates motor development.

It consists of a massage performed on the feet of the little ones. Through the pressures exerted it is possible to influence the baby’s body and provide many benefits.


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