Foot stops are one of the most sensitive areas of the body. The touch of the masseur’s hands with this area is as relaxing as possible, tones and restores strength.
The whole philosophy was connected with foot massage. It was believed that human health is the harmony of four elements: water, wind, earth and fire. When there is any disease, the balance in a human body is broken, and it is possible to restore it by means of influence on certain sites – feet.
In addition to the therapeutic function, foot massage has a positive effect on our emotional state. It relieves stress and improves mood. The ancient Chinese believed that by massaging the soles of our feet, we not only restore harmony within our body, but also strengthen the bonds between us and the world around us. In addition, massage helps to restore the natural forces of man, increase the immunity.
According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there are more than 60 active zones and points on the footsteps, as well as important channels of “Jinlo” and concentrated “slags” of the human body. Accumulating over a long period of time in the human body, toxins prevent normal blood circulation and can cause various diseases.
The foot massage affects the reflective points of the foot, stimulating and balancing the overall condition of the internal organs and the body as a whole. Relieves nervous stress, fatigue, psycho-emotional arousal, soothes and tidies the nervous system, improves metabolism and strengthens the body’s defenses.
Today, reflexology, as one of the methods of non-drug therapy is firmly in the arsenal of Western medicine, and foot massage is necessary for both sick and healthy people who care about the state of their immunity and nervous system. It is known that there are dots on the foot – projections of all internal organs, and, influencing them, we gently and effectively affect the body.
Systematic foot massage will help quickly restore the harmony of body and soul.
Remember that in case of headache you need to massage your thumb, in case of eye disease – two middle fingers, in case of ear pain – outer toes of the foot, in case of problems with the spine – the inner side of the sole. The rest of the options are clearly visible.
The location of the acupuncture points and the acupressure points are known precisely. They are located on 14 meridian lines, which have long been explored. These meridians have certain names, for example, “Big Heart” (“Master of the Heart”), “Three-step heater” or “Meridian-Hooverner”, with each meridian uses three types of points:
1) “Harmonizing dots”, – lying at the beginning and end of the meridian. Their acupressure gives harmonious echoes in all organs related to the meridian.
2) “Excitation point” – only one on each meridian. Its acupressure activates the reaction and performance of the organs related to the meridian.
3) “Soothing point” – also only one on each meridian. This point suppresses, soothes, relieves nervousness; the sensation of its acupressure is the most pleasant.
Lightening is provided by the enhanced acupressure of the system of the so-called “Alarm (Alarm) Points” (“Moon Points”). Each main body has its own signaling point. The correct acupressure of this point contributes to the immediate improvement of the human condition and, in particular, the reduction of pain.
In recent years, Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine University has discovered a number of “Special Points” related to certain ailments (diseases).
Due to the individual characteristics of the location of the points may deviate within one centimeter. With the help of a special device measuring skin resistance, the location of the point is determined with the accuracy of one millimeter on the basis of the reduced value of resistance.
But this accuracy is redundant for an accumulator (finger size is larger). As a rule, the accressure point reacts to a strong press with a clear painful impulse, which makes it easier to find it in the right area of the body.
What does the temperature of the feet say?
- Self-massage of the soles of the feet not only helps the body as a whole, but also relieves leg fatigue syndrome, prevents the appearance of blisters, regulates the temperature of the feet. Legs of a healthy person should be dry and warm.
- Wet and cold feet indicate a lack of energy in the stomach and small intestine, as well as impaired thyroid function.
- Dry and cold feet indicate cardiovascular insufficiency and brain changes.
- Humid and hot feet are an indicator of fever in inflammatory processes and lung infections.
- Dry and hot feet are the most common in people with excessive thyroid function and acidity.
- If the right foot is warm and the left foot is cold, you should pay attention to the work of the heart.
How do I affect the acupressure point?
Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors distinguish between three degrees of impact on treatment points:
- In acute pain and initial treatment, a light circular point massage is indicated by the tip of the index finger. The duration of the massage is from one to five minutes.
- In chronic diseases, depending on the general condition of the patient, it is best and safest to use a medium strength point massage. Multiple massages during the day are recommended, the duration of acupressure is up to 30-40 seconds.
- Strong acupressure is mainly performed with the thumb, but other options are also possible.
When the desired active point is found on the body, the tip of the index finger or thumb touches the skin, then the finger begins to produce circular movements that move the skin relative to the bone or muscle tissue at a rate of two turns per second. In doing so, care should be taken to ensure that the finger remains at the desired point on the body when exposed.
When symmetrically acting on the accumulation points, particular care should be taken.
Acupressure in its simplified form cannot replace the necessary medical treatment in case of emergency, but it can be used as an additional analgesic treatment as well as for first aid.
Accupressure is contraindicated in the event
- Severe organic diseases of the heart and circulatory systems
- during pregnancy
- with a lot of fatigue.
- before curing a skin condition at the acupressure point (e.g. suppuration, deprivation, etc.)

How do you do the acupressure?
To improve the health of the body as a whole, to achieve a preventive and healing effect requires a full massage of both feet. It is desirable to spend it every evening, before the night’s rest.
Before the massage, a few minutes should be like barefoot, reminiscing the feet: to rise to the toes, trample, alternately transferring the weight of the body from the inner ribs of the feet to the outer. Then it is good to take a warm foot bath.
- Sit or lie on your back.
- Take your mind off everything for a while, making sure there are no external stimuli: (family calls, phone calls, etc.)
- Place the tip of the index finger on the desired point of the body (acupressure point).
- Press down lightly on the skin and at the same time start to make circular movements of the finger, making sure that the finger does not come down from this point in the body.
- Acupressure duration ? From half a minute to five minutes. The action always comes quickly and is felt for a long time.
Self-massage should be performed in a comfortable position that allows the foot to relax:
- Sitting with a bent leg when the foot lies on the other leg’s thigh;
- Sitting with the foot on the support when the foot is on the chair seat;
- Half sitting – half sitting on the chair, when the foot rests slightly on the edge of the chair;
- Lying on the back with the leg raised and bent.
The massage is performed with warm hands. The entire foot should be treated first. Massage the foot with the fingers of both hands by connecting the fists and knuckles to the work. The direction of movement is from the fingertips to the heel.
With the general massage, the plantar part should be massaged as deeply as possible. The toes are not pressed, but gently kneaded from the nail to the base.
Each toe is massaged separately.
Circular movements affect the ankle and ankle. All movements should be soft and weak.
Waxing, intermittent touches, strokes, light strokes and tingling alternately.
Painful points are detected in the process of general massage. These are risk zones, “windows” of weakened organs, which should be treated with particular care.
It is not enough to press only on the painful points. It is necessary to influence the massage on the “neighboring organs”, even if they do not give painful point signals.
Pain points should be massaged particularly carefully. Pressure on the pain point and pauses should alternate. The result of correct exposure to the point is the elimination of pain. The total massage of each foot is at least 3 minutes and each pain point is kneaded for at least 1 minute.
At the end of the massage, it is useful to trample on a massage mat with bumps, thickenings and irregularities. Do not stand on it still. You should change from foot to foot and alternately move the weight of the body from one foot to another.
The method is available, quite simple, which creates the prerequisites for its wide use in outpatient and sanatorium-resort conditions.
Acupressure can be repeated many times a day!