Reflexology is a method of therapy of natural medicine. It consists in pressing the appropriate points called reflexes, which are located on the feet, hands and face. Each of these points has a specific organ, internal organ or part of the body. Appropriate pressure of these spheres causes their normalization and stabilization.
Reflexotherapy enables early identification of problems related to the body and psyche. It strengthens the immune system, improves mood and stimulates the flow of energy in the body. It supports the treatment of selected somatic and mental dysfunctions. It also reduces stress and insomnia. Cleanses the body of toxins. It improves blood circulation and has a positive effect on the hormonal system.
Stimulating the flow of energy through the body
The human body is a dynamic energy system in which the life energy, called by the Chinese Qi, circulates. This energy circulates in the body through a system of meridians, or energy channels. Massage of points and receptors on feet removes blockages of meridians and stimulates the free flow of vital energy.
When the balance of the body is disturbed, it does not function properly. By stimulating the receptors on the feet, a subconscious response is induced in the organ, adenoma or other tissue, connected by the energy pathway with this specific receptor. This creates a chain reaction that causes physiological changes in all systems of the body.
Reflexology as an antidote to stress
Reflexology therapy helps to alleviate the adverse effects of stress on the body by putting it into a state of deep relaxation. Thanks to this, our nervous system begins to function properly. Each part of the body is innervated directly from a certain level of the spinal cord. Increased tension leads to spinal column muscle contraction.
Remember how stiff our shoulders and neck can be as a result of tension and stress. Pathologically tense spinal muscles are subject to pain. This is a result of the reaction of nerve endings to this contraction. When the tension is reduced, the muscles relax.
This is accompanied by the relaxation of blood vessels and a freer circulation of blood in the body. Then the blood provides the tissues and organs with oxygen and nutrients without any problems, and at the same time cleanses the body from toxins and metabolic impurities.
Reflexology improves the functioning of the nervous system
The pathways on which nerve stimuli circulate are both nerves and electrical channels. When the paths of nerve stimuli are damaged or blocked, the nerve is impeded.
The signals that pass through them are slowly and poorly transmitted, so that the processes taking place in the body take place at a lower than optimal level. In this case, reflexology makes it possible to open and unblock the paths of nerve stimuli, stimulating thousands of nerve endings in the foot.
Reflexology improves cardiovascular function
Proper blood circulation is of colossal importance for the body. Eunice Ingham spoke: “Circulation is life. Stasis is death. If the blood reaching any part of the body is disturbed, the person starts to feel various pains and ailments.
All tissues, in order to function without disturbances, require an adequate supply of blood, which transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removes by-products of metabolism and toxins.
In this process, the blood vessels are constantly shrinking and loosening. Therefore, their flexibility is very important for the proper functioning of the entire body.
Positive influence of reflexotherapy on the hormonal system
If the nervous system is considered to be the “electrical system” of an organism, then the endocrine glands are its “chemical system”. The hormonal system consists of a network of endocrine glands that secrete hormones directly into the blood.

Hormones are extremely powerful chemical substances on which the functioning of the entire body depends. If any of the seven main glands stops working properly, the hormone secretion stops and the body is thrown out of balance.
Each tissue and internal organ is controlled by a series of biochemical reactions and hormones circulating in the bloodstream. The balance of the hormonal system also influences our thoughts, emotions and even shapes our personality. Reflexology through its stimulation techniques has a positive effect on the endocrine secretion system.
Reflexology combats pain
There are three mechanisms of analgesic action of foot reflexology:
- increased endorphin secretion after reflexology. The human body produces its own painkillers, called endorphins. They are formed in the pituitary gland and their task is to block pain signals transmitted by the spinal cord to the brain. Reflexology stimulates the brain to produce more endorphins.
- In this case, the pain relief process consists in the fact that compression stimuli of foot receptors running in the nervous system with so-called fast-conducting nerves inhibit the course of pain stimuli from the places of patients, which reach the spinal cord with so-called slow-conducting nerves.
- A foot reflexology treatment improves blood supply to tissues – therefore, if the pain in the organ is caused by its ischemia, then after the treatment, which improves blood supply to tissues, and thus also oxygen distribution – the pain disappears, because the cells receive essential and vital oxygen.
Reflectology removes crystalline deposits in alloys
Nerve endings in the feet may accumulate crystalline deposits causing pain during the procedure. These can be calcium deposits deposited under the skin that have formed at the nerve endings.
Excessive acidity in the blood can also cause an increased accumulation of calcium in every organ of the body. These deposits are transformed into acid crystals, which hinder proper blood circulation.
Feet are more exposed to this type of changes, which significantly limits blood circulation. Feet are the final section of the bloodstream, hence the blood returns upwards, overcoming the power of gravity. The stagnation of blood in the feet makes this activity more difficult. Apart from calcium deposits, toxins also settle in the feet.
These crystals found in the subcutaneous tissue of the feet can be “broken up” and eliminated by a proper compression massage, and their remains will be removed by blood circulation. In this case, reflexology will bring relief and lightness to sore feet.
Reflexology and incurable diseases
For thermal diseases such as cancer and AIDS, reflexology is often unable to eliminate their causes, but it can make the patient feel more comfortable and the pain easier to bear.
Foot reflex massage treatments can significantly improve the general condition of the patient, stimulate the secretion organs, the respiratory system and help control bladder and intestinal function. From this point of view, reflexology improves the quality of life of seriously ill people.
On the other hand, reflexologists are often successful in their fight against cancer, as the processes of cellular cancer are regressing after a series of reflexological procedures.